Single mom, business owner, religious education teacher, and proactive advocate for victims of narcissistic abuse...

As much as I love hearing from everyone, my primary responsibilities leave me very selective about the messages I am able to personally respond to. Which is why I've made certain to share as many resources and solutions right here on my website, newsletters, and social media.
I've created cheat sheets, guides, and hacks available for free download for: Boundaries, Codependency, Breakup, and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery.
Please also consider subscribing to my weekly Choose YOU! Podcast for support, validation, facts, and effective skills to break free and move beyond narcissistic abuse. I have a weekly “Q&A Tuesday” where you can submit your question to be possibly answered on a future show.
Finally, I invite you to subscribe to my free weekly Survivors Check-In for discussions, Q&As, notes, and validation in-between the Choose You Podcast episodes.
< ! > If you are in a life-threatening situation, call the 24-hr National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1.800.273.8255 or the 24-hr Crisis Text Line by texting “HELP” to 741-741. If your issue is an emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.